The feature film tells the story of a young, cynical, and unimpressed painter named Anna, who falls in love and reaches the limits of her perception. She spends a week in her studio with her muse Georg, a cheerful flutist whom she just met at Bruckner University. The two are interested in each other, test each other out in questions and play on words, and get closer to each other. At the same time, surreal moments accompany the happening in the isolated togetherness. So it happens that, as time goes by, the protagonists display unusual behavior and organize dances and parties for two. THEY circle around themselves, are isolated from the outside world, and find their own reality in the studio. At some point, Anna BECOMES tired of being together and realizes that she wants to break out of isolation. Georg suffers from it but has to come to terms with it. What remains is the memory of an intense time in which the protagonists grow and learn from each other.